January 2010
what I wrote when this first came out
"Wow! This is so cool. I am personally a big fan of apple & Mac. They always have amazing ideas.
My resolutions for this year (1. 09. 2010)
Dear Self,
I know you let last year just get away from you. I know you could have been better. I KNOW you could have helped more people, alias what did you do ? Well honestly I don't know. You did nothing! But its time to step away from the computer and get on the treadmill so you can help yourself... then help others. It's like a chain reaction. And come on! We all know you could have done WAY better in science. You could of sold more girl scout cookies, shovled more driveways, raked more yards, helped babysit more kids. But this year is a new year! A fresh start! So purchase a cat to scare away that computer mouse, and go and walk that dog! Go serve others, go study science, go work on personal progress, go sell girl scout cookies, Go Be the ME I always wanted to be! Go now. For you have read this whole letter, and if you still arent motivated, your hopeless! Alias you are motivated! See if you weren't you wouldn't of kept reading. See I told you, you were motivated. look you keep reading. see. I TOLD YOU! now at the end of this letter stop reading, and GO! GO do what makes You Me! Go !
-Laura Singleton
Go & DO!
Hey, you stopped reading. Wait a minute ... if your reading this then you didn't stop! AHHHHH! STOP READING ALREADY! or do I want you to kepp reading? I just don't know anymore! AHHHHHHHHHH!
Janurary - Quick tips on blogging
Photos in January
Why I took this ( 1. 24. 2010)
"My dog wants to be a mermaid! LOL I am in photography class and we were assigned to take pictures of texture. "My dog has lots of texture!" I thought " lets put this on him for fun! " so we put a memaid costume on him and he just loved it, he kept smiling , ang wouldn't let us take it off of him!
Silly Buddy bear!
Craft of the month
The Snow of 2010,
Gosh , I will never forget how crazy that snow storm was! (2. 14. 2010)
Read about it at
http://lasgirl.blogspot.com/2010/02/haha-this-is-exactly-how-i-feel-living.htmlI won a pottery contest (2. 15. 2010)--->
A project I wanted to do (and still want to)
Television obsession
of the YEAR (2. 28. 2010)
A mighty cause in March
Pi Day (3. 12. 2010)

I got a NEW computer
The month of awesome commercials
4. 28. 2010
The new money came out 4/ 24/ 2010
my reaction
"WOW! Talk about cool . I love the center part with the blue. Way cool illusions!
-Laura "
More commercial -
The Gum wrapper dress 4/ 13/ 2010
"This is SOOOO cool, it looks like something I would do."
Happy Easter 4/ 03/ 2010
Wisdom Quotes ?? 5/30/2010
http://lasgirl.blogspot.com/2010/05/wisdom.htmlThe teacher who is indeed wise does not bid you to enter the house of his wisdom but rather leads you to the threshold of your mind.
- Kahlil Gibran
My reaction to the quote
"I was thinking about how that relates to Heavenly Father & Jesus , he does not give deals, nor does he gimic you to come unto him. Rather he blesses you when you do right and he leads you by example. He leads. We follow. "
Taking Care of Buisness - Everyday!
my blog on how I got into creating my own business, and how you can create your own. http://lasgirl.blogspot.com/2010/05/biz-niz.html
Happy Memorial day! 5.29. 2010
May Day 5.01.2010
Well School is OUT! and I'm ready for camp,
read my CAMP POST HERE. (6. 26. 2010)
I had so much fun!

I saw Marry Poppins the Broadway show!
And here was my reaction
"Okay now to Mary Poppins,
It was a Fabulous show! I saw it at the Kennedy Center in Washington, and even though it was long drive it was well worth it!
This show is a hand clapping sing along musical, that is really upbeat and touching. It's the perfect take on a well known classic. And the only way to describe it is,
However, I ended up paying $4 for a chocolate bar, and $25 for a wonderful shirt"
"Okay now to Mary Poppins,
It was a Fabulous show! I saw it at the Kennedy Center in Washington, and even though it was long drive it was well worth it!
This show is a hand clapping sing along musical, that is really upbeat and touching. It's the perfect take on a well known classic. And the only way to describe it is,
However, I ended up paying $4 for a chocolate bar, and $25 for a wonderful shirt"
The beginning of my long road trip 7.13. 2010
"My Family is Driving all the way from the eastern part of the US to the west. We are going to Utah to visit our large family. We'll be leaving home Friday and we will arrive approximately there on Tuesday. Yes I know a long drive. I may be able to blog, I may not. My grandpa does not have a computer, but I could always take my ipod touch into a wifi
I'm going to have to get ready now, I'm going to see Mary Poppins on Broadway tonight, I'm so excited my first Broadway play! "

"My Family is Driving all the way from the eastern part of the US to the west. We are going to Utah to visit our large family. We'll be leaving home Friday and we will arrive approximately there on Tuesday. Yes I know a long drive. I may be able to blog, I may not. My grandpa does not have a computer, but I could always take my ipod touch into a wifi
I'm going to have to get ready now, I'm going to see Mary Poppins on Broadway tonight, I'm so excited my first Broadway play! "

My realization that some "Old" music is good.

8.09.2010 Having fun vacationing!
Back home.
"Well I just got back, but I'm too pooped to even type, so after I go back to school shopping tomorrow I'll write a post about my vacay. "
Friday the 13th
Sense Friday the 13th is mostly about being scared , I decided to put things on my to do list that might get me ready to be scared or get scared
Level one:
Read Pride and Prejudice and Zombies , I've heard great things
Level two:
Watch Poltergeist again, I absolutely LOVE this movie, all I have to say is "They're here..."Sense Friday the 13th is mostly about being scared , I decided to put things on my to do list that might get me ready to be scared or get scared
Level one:
Read Pride and Prejudice and Zombies , I've heard great things
Level two:
Level 3: Rent The Forth kind , and watch it.
Back to school shopping :'(
Blond nightmare!

haha, What was I thinking??
Cool unique things

More art posts by me
One of my favorite blog posts I've done.
Rainbow in Grey times
Summer hit video
This is the most random post of the YEAR
Crush on the 50's (8.16.2010)
"I feel that todays women with their busy lives kinda get up in the morning and through something on. Women in the fifties didn't leave their homes wearing jeans, a tee, and a pair of converse, a dab of lip gloss and half done hair, no way! They left their homes primped and well dressed for the day, dresses were always pressed and pristine, gloves and hats were a must! And hair well curled and brushed. Ah, how I marvel at the lifestyle I'll never live. But I can still dress as if I left in a time machine. But I'll need to get better shoes, and a dress or two. Maybe I'll sew one! I love this blue dress with the built in collar! I also like the more modern look below, however I'm not bold enough to wear red jeans! But I love the vespa bag and mens coat for women!"

An interesting Recipe - that was okay (8.18.2010)
Still my favorite movie

Okay , I am like obsessed with the movie Napoleon Dynamite ! So I decided I'd post this :
Don: Hey, Napoleon. What did you do last summer again?
Napoleon Dynamite: I told you! I spent it with my uncle in Alaska hunting wolverines!
Don: Did you shoot any?
Napoleon Dynamite: Yes, like 50 of 'em! They kept trying to attack my cousins, what the heck would you do in a situation like that?
Don: What kind of gun did you use?
Napoleon Dynamite: A freakin' 12-gauge, what do you think?

I am taking a class at the local community collage for 180 minutes everyday for block 3&4 during my school day. I am learning ALOT! I love it, I'm in a class of people who can really apprecheit computers, So when I saw this button I had to laugh!
http://lasgirl.blogspot.com/2010/09/this-weeks-findings-fall.html Fall Findings
Laura " Spinning round and round only takes you closer to the ground, but if climbing up makes you worried about falling father than from where you were tumbling, look up, you'll see you friends hand reaching out, grab it, face your fears, theres always someone there."
9.11.2010 Amanda turns 11

9.13.2010 Clear furniture

Silly photos in October

Old spice Obsessed
Friday favorites
Some of my work - Halloween Gifs
Really cool photos

A WOW moment 10.27.2010
Happy Halloween

BIP (blog in progress)
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