always had a saying, "If you don't stop growing, I'm going to put a ROCK on your HEAD! " Well now that I'm taller than my mom, its too late for her to put one on my head. So I told her " Mom, now your going to have to stand a rock. "
She of course laughed. I want my followers, friends, family & future friends/current strangers, to comment any funny sayinngs YOUR family has, SO LEAVE A COMMENT. I will pick my FAVORITE, and that person will WIN a handmade product I make, YOUR CHOICE! Even if you don't like what I make, or you don't think YOU can WIN still LEAVE A COMMENT!!
Okay yes. I know I have posted 2 blog post TODAY! I know your probably like What the heck! Well you see today, I missed church because I'm going to my sisters recitial. And I was thinking of old quotes. I google widom quotes, and I came across this quote.
The teacher who is indeed wise does not bid you to enter the house of his wisdom but rather leads you to the threshold of your mind.
- Kahlil Gibran
I was thinking about how that relates to Heavenly Father & Jesus , he does not give deals, nor does he gimic you to come unto him. Rather he blesses you when you do right and he leads you by example. He leads. We follow.
Alright, yes I know I promised to do a post on how to start a buisness, how I got into it, and why it's worth it. Well honestly I haven't made more than $30 because I have not been able to get paypal to work , yet. So when I do get it up, I'm sure I'll make some money.
First of all your probably wondering, why do you have a buisness?
Well, to answer your question, I'll start out how 'it' happened. Well I was minding my own buisness, and randomly googling stuff like pottery, and kid owned buisness, when I came across . I joined and entered a contest, I won 3rd place! Since then I've been thinking about how I can run a sucessiful buisness. So I went back to old faithful, Google. I learned alot online. I was already good at blogging, But I hadn't made a website ever before. I found the winner of the BKFK challenge on Facebook, her name is Rachel Anson, she helped me create my first one. After that I decided to make one for myself, I made It was okay, but it did not appeal to a wide amount of viewers , so I made With Music provided by my buisness has grown, If created more things, edited my website, all thats left to do is take it to the next step. That step is sell online, I already sell my products at my school High School TJ, and theres been alot of buzz about the stuff I make.
It's that time of year to whip out the grill, light the fireworks, and have a day off of school, so why waste it watching TV? The weather here will be fabulous, check your weather below,
Is your weather perfect for a picinic? Or is it more for a indoor party? No matter what weather you have, you still can have a great time! Here are some of my favorite Memorial day party ideas: has alot of ideas, & for printables, Okay well its not the 4th but...
BEST EVER mac & cheese
Other Ideas, visit some Vetinam Vets, or anyone who fought or is fighting in a war. Throw a block party, Have a picinic, Get "UNCONNECTED" turn off the cells, turn off the computer, and go out for a family ICEE or Slushie. You will be amazed how your kids will react to, "Hey its nice outside, who wants to get a slushey and go to the part for a picinic!" If your kids resent this, DO NOT PULL THE PLUG. Instead opt to watch a movie on NETFLIX.COM your kids will be more likely to listen than if you tell them to do stuff.
Buy some fireworks, Take pictures like the one I took.
Get in some family time.
In adition to just posting ideas, I'm going to make a video on a craft EVERYONE can do, if they can tie their shoe!
Today ( well MAy 25th ) is my birthday! I got a ehole new outfit, bag, shoes, earings, Dress! Fab-boo! I'll get to sleep in, Have an awesome day at school, go to panera, open presents , get ice cream ( I don't like cake that much ) and go to mutual. :D :D
Best 'Awkward Family Photos' LOL need a good laugh? Like family photos ( or hate them ? ) check out this video - >
Crazy new blog of mine! In order to keep organized, and to seperate my life from crafts I made another. This blog ( las Girl ) is about crafts , The light bulb above my head is more about my crazy ideas. I already have one post on LiBAH ( The light bulb above my head ) { this is how I will reference you to either las girl or libah. Check it out at
Okay, Okay. I am a terrible blogger. :'( I havent posted any Craft project How tos in Forever! So Sunday I will! :D It will be a Yarn & paper craft. And I'll promise to write more. I am sorry to my readers for neglecting my blog. I will try my best to post crafts, and more ideas.
If you've EVER made a pillowcase in your life, why not make one today and donate it to someone in need. Or go the Extra mile, donate a blanket, pillowcase and canned food to make some one in need happy. I VOLUNTEER do you?