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Vast amount of subjects

Okay, if you are reading this blog post, 
TAKE A DEEP BREATH. I have a vast amount of subject I have yet to cover.

Let us start with.....hmmm..... Family, that is always a good place to start.
Here is some recent family photos
This is a photo of myself and my family (extended) when I was 4 or 5. I am the third girl in the front row.  The blonde one.  Geese this must me 2000, or 2001 .

This is a photo from last thanks giving, Buddy Bear (our dog) wanted the turkey so badly! And of course we had Utah style rainbow jell-O .
food pictured left to right( because my mom deserves to have her food remembered) Cherry, pumpkin and blueberry pie, a salad, Stuffing (MY FAVORITE) Yams, Turkey, gravy, rainbow jello, cranberrys, and crescent rolls. YUM!
This is a photo of us at Gettysburg, I love the way the sky looked.

And here is photos from my moms birthday. 

 I got her the coat
 This is the card I gave her. She laughed because it said "You know the perfect child, WHAT DO You mean who!?"
 My Aunt Kim, Mom, and sister Amanda and the wonderfully delicious coconut cake prepared by my aunt .
Yep, only one candle, and many umbrellas.
And this from my grandpas birthday. He had a German cake with  chocolate frosting, Grandpas favorite. 
This is from our trip to Hershey World 
 Mat loves Race cars. End of story.
This is us in front of the Hershey tours trolley.
 This is Amanda and Matt on the trolley.
 Mat looks so Handsome in this photograph
I love matts green eyes. Hate my plain Jane brown (ALL BROWN) eyes.

Now that I'm done talking about family lets talk about Hair. My hair.
I cut my hair. That is no surprise, I had posted it a while ago. Back in February.

But since that time I've taken more photos.
 This was a week after I got it cut.

And one day I woke up looking like this!
Obviously I have had worse hair disasters, remembering when I went BLONDE! (  But here are some photos that I took right after I became blonde.

SHEESH! I look weird. but I'm happier now.

Now let's talk about the RUN! This was for my young women's personal progress project for individual worth. I trained and ran a 5k. Our entire Young women's (and part of young mens, relief society, and missionaries .) trained for either the 5k of Half Marathon. I trained with my mom to walk/ run the 5k at the Frederick Running Festival,
We had a lot of support from the ward, and it was great the missionaries ran the 5k too! Our bishop owns a shoe store called if the shoe fits, and he encouraged us to do the race, which I'm so glad I did.
 We were the "We Believe group" we choose that because not only is it our Young men and Young Women's theme, but We Believed we could complete the race.This is us at the starting line, i am 11006, my mom is 11007.

This is Elder Astle running the 5k in his suit, and tie..
And here is Elder Jenks with a smile upon his face running the 5k.
Group photos!
Here is me finishing the race.

Here is my mom finishing the race too


Pray, Read,Smile :D

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