It's MAY! and that means a Crazy sceldule. My birthday is also in May, it's May 25th! I'll be turning 14. This means (for my church going friends ) seminary, High school & 1 year closer to being 16. What can you expect to happen this month? ALOT! New changes + ideas. Mabye even something Bigger. As you know my biz is in the getting ready stage, and I'm sure busy. Infact I've gotten alot done! But there is always room for progress- and I hope to accomplish as much as I can. Thank you ALL! And stay tuned!
p.s. we got our new recycling bins! I'm happy to see the county taking action on recycling!
p.s.s I might even make recycled paper goods
p.s.s.s My puppy still is cute!
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Trends ezine!
"Trends ezine (formerly Fueled by Music Ezine) is a new type of ezine. Fashion and music is our specialty! Our job is to inform the world of musicians and fashion designers you would never read about in any ordinary magazine."
Okay, I'm soooooo excited! I'm on the trend ezine! seriously no lie! look -> http://rmfashiondesign.com/trendsezine/laura.html
I love the ezine ! I love all the people they discover, New bands , New people! SO AWESOME! Best of all my friend Rachel and her friend Sarah made it togther. SO what are you waiting for check it our! Click HERE to go to the site!
design squad
The lady below has a cool job, How'd I find out about her? go to pbskidsgo.org/designsquard :-)
Earth ideas!
as you have noticed I'm a "green girl" waste - isn't to my taste! my business is designed all around recycling! Celebrate earth day with lasting fashions by going green, do anything to help the enviornment! Buy some re-usable grocery bags, or even just take a trip to recycling. Anything helps, Keeps lights off during the day , only use them when you HAVE to. plant a tree, pick up trash, or donate money to the WWF ->http://www.worldwildlife.org/home.html?sc=AWY0900WCG00&searchen=google&gclid=CLL2x8m-15kCFRNM5QodCG_aXg DO SOMETHING! Need more idea's ? watch Bill Nye, he can bring up some good helping the enviornment idea's. SO GET UP , & GO GREEN!
The purse below is 100% recycled ( and I made it! ) this is made out of crocheted walmart plastic bags. The strap in made out of tires. This is my contribution to earth day, these would have ended up in the trash- but instead it ende up as my purse! I used 15- 30 bags. It holds alot of stuff too! Now go out and do something for the Earth like I DID! :-) I <3 EARTH!

as you have noticed I'm a "green girl" waste - isn't to my taste! my business is designed all around recycling! Celebrate earth day with lasting fashions by going green, do anything to help the enviornment! Buy some re-usable grocery bags, or even just take a trip to recycling. Anything helps, Keeps lights off during the day , only use them when you HAVE to. plant a tree, pick up trash, or donate money to the WWF ->http://www.worldwildlife.org/home.html?sc=AWY0900WCG00&searchen=google&gclid=CLL2x8m-15kCFRNM5QodCG_aXg DO SOMETHING! Need more idea's ? watch Bill Nye, he can bring up some good helping the enviornment idea's. SO GET UP , & GO GREEN!
The purse below is 100% recycled ( and I made it! ) this is made out of crocheted walmart plastic bags. The strap in made out of tires. This is my contribution to earth day, these would have ended up in the trash- but instead it ende up as my purse! I used 15- 30 bags. It holds alot of stuff too! Now go out and do something for the Earth like I DID! :-) I <3 EARTH!

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