You know its christmas when you hear sirens- yes sirens. In the past 5 minutes santa came in a big fire truck ( thats not my picture ) Santa does that every year, and he always brings his candy canes, MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM! he asks us what we want and then carry's on. To me thats a real visit from santa, not a peitie wait in line for for hours, line butters, screaming kids, fraud santa & no candy, that's the fake mall santa. Dosen't sound fun. The real visit from santa (to me) is where he comes in a fire truck to each individual house, handing out candy, no lines & a friendly santa. Nice-

This is so weird-

SOrry I've been putting up pics, videos, and other junk, enstead of writting but I thought I should share stuff I like!! SO I hope you LOVE my blog!

GAME"S ARE AT THE VERY BOTTOM OF THE PAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Christmas wish! ( awesome! )

Heads up!
The all-new Nabooti Island will launch on the afternoon of Thursday, December 11th. Mark your calendar and be one of the first to play.
-Poptropica Creators

Go to this web for an awesome - EPISODE OF GHOST HUNTERS! http://www.scifi.com/rewind/?sid=32855
Christmas Countdown & MySpace Layouts

Award winning!!