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My Story

My Name is Laura (a.k.a Lasgirl a.k.a Stormin' Mormon)
And I'm a Crafter! I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. (aka mormon ) I'm also a thread head, I have been crafting, creating, and coming up with ideas my whole life. I made this blog because I wanted to share my crafting expertise (and mistakes) with you! I also enjoy blogging, creating websites, and I am an artist. I have won one contest, it was a designing contest, and I placed third (
I am a teenager who enjoys technology but is willing to go camping to get close to nature and to hike until I have blisters. I am a money saver and unlike my generational title, I do care, I care about our planet, Families do come first, and I am willing to work hard & help others. I wish to be titled the "We care" generation. I am very eco-logically minded, and I do recycle- in fact, I create a lot of things out of waste. I appreciate you reading my blog, and I hope I can help you.

In this blog you will find that,

I am a fan of vintage,

I was born brunette went blond (thank you desert sun!) , became a brunette (bo! Eastern cloud cover and rain) again and then bleached my hair blond.

 Which went horribly.
But I got it fixed 

Me as a blond kid.

 You'll learn that I love to have fun,

I'm NOT perfect,
I try to be the best I can be, but I -in no way- am perfect.

After taking art (and learning from my mother) I learned that being and doing (or painting and drawing) your best is better than worrying about being perfect.

So when I get gloomy 

 I try to smile.

I love who I am, 
I love the thought of who I can become,
I am trying to be my best...
through the Highs and through the lows,
I will try to smile. 

I know I can accomplish anything...

 Weather exploring the depths or a dirty cave
 Or hiking till my feet catch fire
I know I can achieve. 
Happiness measures a person's real worth.
Pray. Read. Smile :D